Friday, 4 May 2012

How To Control Anger

It is crucially important to control anger before it controls you. But life is so fast, things are so complicated and people are so slapdash that controlling anger turns out to be a hard hitting task. You lose out on an argument despite being in the right side, someone wrongly affected your career or just anything like that can leave your anger burst. While doing this is practically reasonable, it earns nothing but health hazards and social problems. There are better ways to control anger without feeling bad about any condition. Here we cover only a few:

When something seems going out of control, do not lose mind. Count 50 slowly or think the person who is putting you up in bad mind has no clothes wearing. Although a little weird, it may help you feel relax.
Have deep breathe, look at the sky and learn to control the situation. Looking at nature like birds, butterflies also help. If nothing is coming of help, just scream out on open place. Make sure to make it louder just from inside.

Make a note on what happened. How to react with the situation. After some days, when you will read the note, you will feel happy about the memories on why and how things grew like this

Pray to god to be with you and control you. A silent prayer from heart will never go blank and the almighty will lead to the correct path Close eyes and learn to mediate, remember the best childhood times, and most importantly think what the person you want to see yourself as? An overly irritating and easily frightened one or a smart, intelligent person who knows not to be angry easily.

All these little stuffs help you become happy without reacting badly on situations. We will cover other ideas in the forthcoming series. Keep coming.